How are you feeling….

Fine is often quickly given and received….

What if we really took time to offer an answer that aligned with one of the many feelings that flow through us in a day.

I often consider my nieces and nephews when they are in the two-year old range. How they can live through such a myriad of emotion in such a short time.

To go from giggles to wails….

To go from running in play to resting in a secure hug and hold….

To go from full dependence and accepting of help to a “me do it” attitude which screams out a desire for independence….

to live so freely in the full range of emotions….

But then something happens….we grow up and learn the word FINE.

I would like to invite you to consider some new words to share the feelings of your heart….

Just in case you’re not sure what your options are…..I will leave you with some options!

Feeling Words

Loving Understanding Joyous Playful Calm Concerned Eager Sure Considerate confident Fortunate Courageous Peaceful Affected Intent Certain

Affectionate Reliable Delighted Energetic At Ease Fascinated Anxious Unique Sensitive Easy Overjoyed Liberated Comfortable Intrigued Inspired Dynamic

Tender Amazed Gleeful Optimistic Pleased Encouraged Absorbed Determined Tenacious Devoted Free Thankful Provocative Clever Inquisitive Excited Hardy

Attracted Sympathetic Important Impulsive Surprised Nosy Enthusiastic Secure Passionate Interested Festive Giddy Content Snoopy Bold Empowered

Admiration Ecstatic Animated Quiet Engrossed Brave Ambitious Warm Receptive Satisfied Spirited Relaxed

Intense Daring Powerful Touched Accepting Glad Thrilled Serene Curious Challenged confident Sympathy Kind Cheerful Wonderful Free and Easy Friendly Optimistic Bold

Close Amiable Sunny Generous Bright Caring Re-enforced Determined Loved Appreciative Elated Goofy Blessed Comforted Jubilant Reassured Hopeful Irritated Lousy Upset

Incapable Insensitive Fearful Crushed Tearful Enraged Disappointed Doubtful Alone Dull Tormented Sorrowful

Hostile Discouraged Uncertain Paralyzed Nonchalant Suspicious Deprived Pained Sore Ashamed Indecisive Fatigued Neutral Alarmed Tortured Grieved

Annoyed Powerless Perplexed Useless Reserved Panic Dejected Desolate Upset Diminished Embarrassed Inferior Weary Nervous Rejected Desperate

Bitter Guilty Hesitant Vulnerable Bored Scared Injured Unhappy Aggressive Shy Empty Preoccupied Worried Offended Lonely

Resentful Miserable Disillusioned Forced Cold Frightened Afflicted Mournful  Disgusting Unbelieving Hesitant Disinterested Timid Aching Dismayed

Provoked Terrible Skeptical Despair Lifeless Shaky Victimized Hurt Infuriated In Despair Distrustful Frustrated Numb Restless Heartbroken Weary

Cross Sulky Lost Distressed Out of It Doubtful Appalled Broken Worked up Unsure Woeful Tired Threatened Humiliated Boiling Flat Pessimistic

In a Stew Stuck Quaking Wronged Fuming Tense Dominated Wary Alienated

tragedy begats tragedy…

I was setting up to blog tonight and heard a tragic story on the news….

A 2 1/2 year old boy was hit by a truck and killed as he ran out into the street to get his ball.

His step father, who saw the scene unfold then attacked and stabbed the driver…

The whole scene is filled with tragedy as I try to imagine the intensity that must have been present….

I feel overwhelmed as I try to imagine those who are impacted….

and then to hear many children of the neighborhood witnessed it all.

May we all pray for those who deal with tragic loss….

May we all pray for those who try to live after the loss of a child…

May we all pray that God will bring peace that passes all understanding…

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
Mahatma Gandhi


I have had a fun few days making friends with new people in New Hampshire. I came to celebrate a friend and am delighted with the many fun people I have met.

One thing struck me as I unpacked at the hotel it was the pile of accessories I had brought. I had four pairs of earrings, three bracelets, three rings and four pairs of shoes. I have attended a Friday evening party and an all day Saturday gathering.

I realize that my accessories carry a “feel” with them. Some feel more conservative and some a bit more free. Some are my safe picks and some are more for revealing my new look. I have taken a picture of just a few to give you a sense of my mutilple options!

But really what has made me smile, is how I used to a be a no accessory person. I used to wear the same stud earings and never dreamed of a chunky ring, metallic bead bracelet or pearl earings.

I wonder how you are doing with your accessories….

I wonder if your presentation in how you get ready for the day or the evening or a party matches the person  you desire to be….

I wonder what you might add to your wardrobe to add a bit of fun and flair…

I am experimenting and loving it. Won’t you join me?

Eyes and smiles…

I spent a good part of today traveling the air and the airport. I was struck how many people have their heads looking downward into their smart phones. As I stood in line in Grand Rapids, I decided to try to make eye contact with as many people as I could. My hope was to invite eyes and smiles!

It was a fun challenge and realized that it also kept my eyes up and kept me grinning. People were very responsive and I was discerning if I felt it was appropriate to initiate. (for those who feared that I may have been obnoxious.)

I have become more aware of this even as I bike. How easy it is to pass people by. Each morning I say Good Morning or hello or how are you? Almost every time I receive a greeting back.

I sometimes feel a sense of panic in my gut when I consider what texting and Facebook is going to create in a generation of people who are communicating more while looking into a screen than looking into people’s eyes. Today was fun as I passed people by, sat in chairs next to them, waited for luggage or rode the escalator. I did not go into full-blown conversations….just a simple hello, or how are you?

It was a fun experiment and reminded me again that I was created for relationship.

May I be one who is faithful to take the first step, make eye contact and smile!

Pleased as punch…

Tonight I am feeling very satisfied.

Last week I was a bit discouraged by the scale. It hadn’t moved like I thought it should….

Last week I was a bit discouraged by my body fat numbers. It hadn’t moved like I thought it should…

I was reminding myself of the words I often speak…I can not control the numbers…

I can control my choices…so press on and make the best choices possible!

Today my trainer took measurements.

I have lost 33.75 inches in 5 weeks….

I am pleased as punch….

The daily work is paying off and every so slowly my body continues to change…

I am encouraged to press on and reach for my next goal.

I am encouraged to remember what I tell myself daily…

this journey is about wellness not weight loss…

this journey is about so much more than the scale….

this journey is teaching me about who I am, what I can do, and how discipline pays off.

I am thankful for the journey…..and pleased as punch with the results!

Failing to plan is planning to fail….

I wonder if anyone else realizes this to be in true in your day-to-day….

Right now I am experiencing it with my meal planning.

Tonight I took time to make a plan for tomorrow. I am encouraged to see it on paper and recognize that I really can hit all my numbers right if I plan ahead…

And so tomorrow I will consume: a smoothie and boiled egg for breakfast, a grapefruit and sludge (peanut butter and protein powder) for mid morning meal,  4 oz of chicken, broccoli and 12 almonds for lunch, cottage cheese, protein powder (in water), grapefruit and almonds for a mid afternoon meal and turkey burger, broccoli, mayo and avocado for dinner. I am always amazed how much I should/can eat when I eat the right things….I know this to be true…by following my plan tomorrow, I will succeed.

And so, another reminder I received this week is action speaks louder than words. If you have something you are reaching for, but you just keep talking about it, get busy and take time to plan….if you don’t take time to make a plan, don’t be surprised if your goal isn’t obtained….planning is succeeding!

Totally relaxed…

I had a very interesting day.

I learned some things about how my brain works by participating in an assessment at Neurocore.

Neurocore’s by-line is 

I learned some interesting things about how my brain waves flow and how that has shaped my thoughts and behaviors…

I am absorbing the information and making a plan….it all feels very hopeful!

The ironic thing is that the picture of my brain waves shows me that my brain rests very little. (likely not a surprise to those of you who know me well). I have learned and am thankful for how I have functioned over the years, but I am hopeful that reaching my brain balance and seeking my optimum functioning, will continue to allow me to reach my wellness goals.

And so, even with this information to mull over and consider, I had a massage tonight that put my body into a state of total relaxation. I drifted and snoozed and felt totally relaxed. I am grateful for information and science and amazing opportunities which help me to reach my full potential AND I am thankful for relaxing quiet spaces that allow me to rest and renew and enjoy….

Almost perfect…

Tonight I learned of a church that is boycotting Betty Ford’s funeral because she was once divorced…

It reminded me of a poem that often has played in my internal memory when I catch myself with a critical attitude which is clearly lacking grace…

Let me share it with you tonight….and it is my hope I (or you) will never be known as a Mary Hume…

Grateful that the God I have come to know, believe in and trust my life to is not about almost perfect but not quite….He is all about Amazing Grace and the embrace of sinners!

“Almost perfect… but not quite.”
Those were the words of Mary Hume
At her seventh birthday party,
Looking ’round the ribboned room.
“This tablecloth is pink not white
Almost perfect… but not quite.”

“Almost perfect… but not quite.”
Those were the words of grown-up Mary
Talking about her handsome beau,
The one she wasn’t gonna marry.
“Squeezes me a bit too tight–
Almost perfect… but not quite.”

“Almost perfect… but not quite.”
Those were the words of ol’ Miss Hume
Teaching in the seventh grade,
Grading papers in the gloom
Late at night up in her room.
“They never cross their t’s just right–
Almost perfect… but not quite.”

Ninety-eight the day she died
Complainin’ ’bout the spotless floor.
People shook their heads and sighed,
“Guess that she’ll like heaven more.”
Up went her soul on feathered wings,
Out the door, up out of sight.
Another voice from heaven came–
“Almost perfect… but not quite.”


My friends may you grow in grace….

It is one of my favorite songs and truly a prayer that resonates in my heart for my friends and family….

Could we ask for anything more….

No matter what life offers us, wealth, goodness, greatness, struggles, hardships, despair…

My friends may you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior….

I will share with you the words that I sing and envision so many faces….

Wishing you all a Monday full of God’s grace and presence….

(Thanks to my 12-year-old niece Karolyn for using her amazing voice to send my prayer for you all….)