Mind over matter….

But don’t forget to check in with your heart….

I feel like this is an important theme for me right now….

There are lots of things I don’t feel like doing….

Seems like the gym is on the top of that list right now….

Initially it was about being kind to myself in grief….

Now it feels like I need to refocus and so I am going with mind over matter….Slogan en Anglais "Mind over Matter" - Cadres et points

For quite some time after Len died, I wasn’t sleeping well at all…..

I would often fall asleep as morning dawned and my alarm didn’t really rank very high as my day started…

Now as I embrace the coming of Spring and am sleeping more in the night, I know I should no longer roll over when my alarm goes off….

It is time for mind over matter….

And as I walked to and from work yesterday, I wondered if I was in shape enough to walk four miles….

As I thought less about the if and more about my goals and hopes, I realized I was practicing mind over matter….

chose hope over fearAnd as I walked, I remembered that listening to my heart helped me press on and succeed at mind over matter!

I wonder if you have any area where mind over matter resonates in your thoughts…

And so, I invite you to set aside your resistance and listen to your heart….and get done what needs to be done!


Because I knew you….

I have been changed for good…..

I love this song and hold the words very close to my heart.

In September of 2011 I had the opportunity to celebrate my tapestry…

A tapestry created by the faces of many people who because I knew them, I have been changed for good!

I wonder whose faces you see when you hear these songs….

I wonder whose faces have been artists in your tapestry….

I wonder if you have said thank you to those artists for adding color to your life…

dancing with lenI am so thankful I took time to celebrate my tapestry while Len was still living. I am so aware that life changes without notice. Len offered a toast at my Tapestry Party. I danced with my brothers at my tapestry party, I celebrated the people in my life at my tapestry party…dancing with nick






I see each face and I think of so many stories…

I see each face and my heart feels such warmth….

I see each face and I offer a prayer of thanks to God for giving me beautiful people to create a tapestry which is my life!

Because I knew you….I have been changed for good!

I invite you to watch the video below and be inspired to say thank you to those who have helped to create your beautiful tapestry…..

Tapestry Party: Because I knew you, I have been changed for good….