Changes and values…

I came across this quote today….

Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
~ Dalai Lama

I love what it says and it has gotten me thinking….

I remember the classes I took at Calvin that challenged me to put words to my values.

I wonder how often we take time to do that…put voice to our values?

We live in a culture of accepting and embracing change…

We live in a culture of slippery values…

I plan to spend some time journaling again about my values, naming them and putting voice to why they are my values. I don’t believe they have change, but I do believe I understand them differently and in some area they have likely become a bit broader and in some area’s they may have narrowed a bit…

I invite you to do the same… after all, if we are going to open our arms to change but not let go of our values, we need to know and know how to voice what our values are!