Deepest fear can be our deepest longing

I read this quote and was brought back to the small groups I used to lead. In these groups, we listened carefully to places where individuals may be sharing that their deepest fear also began to expose their deepest longing.

I am deeply troubled by the large number of suicides in our culture. It is people of all ages. I have recently learned of someone in their late 80s and as young as 14. I wonder how many of these people who believe they want to disappear would feel such relief if they were found.

This is not a simple solution, but if we all have our eyes open to the needs of others, known or unknown, around us, perhaps we will find some people and meet their deepest longing.

Please consider and be open to the people in your pathway. First, be open, and then remember to listen…❤️ trish


Life Quotes

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Deepest fear can be our deepest longing”

  1. It’s even harder when you use. Lose a loved one From suicide She was seen, but not really heard. Amen

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