141 days and counting…

I committed to blogging every day of this year. I find it a good practice and discipline. I don’t always feel like writing, but I am always glad I do. Some blogs are completed with ease, and others are a struggle. I appreciate the feedback I receive about what is beneficial and what you would like me to write about. I am always open to your thoughts and critique.

For some reason, Facebook is removing my blog because it says I am violating its rules. I don’t know what rule, as both of the blogs they removed were about my family. They removed She said yes x 2 and 18 years of loving this nephew. If you missed these, you can find them on Journey to My Heart

If you want to receive an email about each new posting, sign up on the right side of the blog at Journey to My Heart, just under my picture. This way, you will not miss a blog if Facebook removes it.

Thank you for being a faithful reader. As I have written about before, I write to document the Journey to My Heart. I write to tell our family stories for generations to come. I also write to encourage and invite others to live as authentically as possible. Somehow if we are on this journey together, we can make this world a better place! ❤️trish