Creating new spaces…

I am in the process of creating new spaces in my home…

I have lived here for almost 10 years and I am excited about what is unfolding before my eyes…

I love envisioning how I will live in my new space…

I am fascinated by the energy that is being produced as I think about new kitchen space, sitting space, bathroom space and bedroom space…

I am creating space in my home and my heart…

I am blessed to have a home and a heart that has space to create….

I invite you to create something in the coming days, weeks or months….

It may not be as major as my creations currently are, but consider starting with something and delight in what comes to be! ♥♥♥

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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