A reason to celebrate….

celebrateDo you find it easier to celebrate when there is an occasion?

I have found this to be very true and have also found that when we open our eyes to all that is possible, reasons (occasions) to celebrate abound.

So in this blog I am going to invite you to consider what you might celebrate with those around you in the coming weeks?

Celebration doesn’t have to be a monumental occasion. At Visiting Angels sometimes we celebrate at 4 pm by heading home early because the sun is shining and our work is done (for the moment). After all, a sunny spring, summer or fall day is worth pausing for and celebrating in a way that interrupts the routine of a day.

We have taken to having IMG_0415half way parties when my co-workers hit 20 weeks of pregnancy. There is much to celebrate in the life that is being shaped and formed, that the pregnant one is often feeling better and that in only 20 weeks, we will all embrace this child’s entry into our world.

Recently I attended a lice free party. When lice are alive and well through a school, there is for sure celebration when the process of becoming lice free is complete.

Tonight we had a end of tax season family dinner. For kids whose Dad is tied up from January to April, gathering with a menu of their choice is for sure a cause for celebration.

Perhaps you need to celebrate more. To me celebration is being intentional about pausing and saying Yahoo and Way to Go. It may be a completed book report or the start of baseball season, it may be learning to ride a bike or completion of a less than enjoyed task. It may be the celebration of a person just because, sharing in something everyone enjoys (bowling, bike riding, board games) or having ice cream sundaes because there are only so many days left of school.

I am grateful for people who join me in celebration. I hope you have someone who will join you. I invite you to take a risk and be playful. Plan a celebration of any sort and life will be lighter and a little bit more fun!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

2 thoughts on “A reason to celebrate….”

  1. Stoubs, lees & Byers are celebrating your good health by attending a concert in Branson tonight. We shall eat chocolate, play cards and lift a glass to your good health! Wish you were here for real hugs. Till then prayers instead. Always lifting you up! You are so admired and loved👵👴 (pics of old folks having fun)

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