An invitation….

Tonight I feel like I am without words….

And so I am going to share with you the words of my beautiful sister-in-law….

sitting resting in the quiet of my childhood home, the doorbell rings… it was traveling evangelist wondering about my salvation…. i had to stop her and simply said, “I’m all good”
she didn’t persist, mercifully. and went on her way. of course she has no clue about my week and this occurs to me….
how many people might be walking around, shattered. broken. destroyed with no hope. no savior. no net holders….
IMG_2020I ask you to be more patient, more gentle, more kind, more tolerant to your fellow human, because we can’t know what is on their hearts. I have wept till nauseous, and also laughed this past week with memories of my sweet love, my best friend, my favorite comedian, my biggest cheerleader. Strangers would never know that I am shattered, but not hopeless. Broken but not destroyed. a sinner but still saved. So I invite you to live more compassionately within your world for all those who might be heavy laden and still appear to be ‘all good’.

Thank you Marcia for your words, honesty and wisdom….♥

I accept your invitation to be more patient, more gentle, more kind and more tolerant to my fellow human beings.