Celebrating failure….

I have been doing some weight lifting and it is a different approach than I am used to…

In these lifting sets I am trying to get to failure…

I realize that each time I begin, I enter into a battle between my mind and body…

I want to finish strong…

I have learned to mark success in some fashion, when I can complete the task before me…

And so even though I can understand the purpose and what is supposed to happen, I am finding that to spend one hour planning to fail, is messing with my head a bit…

I wonder where and how often I allow myself to plan to fail so I can grow in character and strength…

I wonder where I have called something a failure when perhaps a more positive word could be attached….

And so, when I am bench pressing or leg curling, I am learning to not think about the reality of failure, but focusing on each lift or curl and remembering that I have a vision….

And if I am going to make my vision a reality, failure will help me to grow in many ways….

It is amazing to me the lessons I learn as I journey to wellness….perhaps one of the most difficult remains:



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Celebrating failure….”

  1. I had not thought of lifting weights to failure before. I like this post and it’s very thought provoking. Thanks Trish!

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