Life begins…

I was struck by this quote tonight…

I believe there is life and peace to be found right in the middle of where you are comfortable and therefore at rest, but I also am finding that there may be a lot of truth wrapped into this quote. I want to spend some time considering where I am hanging out within (even if at the edge) my comfort zone and as a result missing some critical invitations to live more fully!

I wonder if you can identify the end of your comfort zone? The process of naming this has been a journey in itself, as I become aware of where I feel my fear or anxiety and knowing enough to name it my comfort zone. I have also had to identify the draw backs of living within my comfort zone. At times, it is a good and right place to live. Other times it is a place I hide out, allowing myself to live in apathy and  minimal expectation of myself to live boldly and fully alive.

And so I am planning to reflect on this thought this week and consider life at the end of my comfort zone….

I invite you to join me… honestly, boldly and exploring new territory in your heart and life every day!