It sure has been gray…

The weather has been cold and gray and the sun seems almost non-existent, until today that is. I have been struck how this gray weather makes me feel so frumpy and blah. I am keenly aware of the lack of sunshine and cooler weather and find myself impatiently waiting for Spring.

And yet tonight when I was outside with Dutch, I glanced around and saw that my lilac bush is budding, my daffodils are blooming, my tulips are emerging and my grass is green.

I wondered when all this occurred?

Surely not in the gray, wet, cold weather of the last week!

Perhaps I need to take time to find the beauty on the days I am choosing not to see it.

Perhaps I need to take time to remember that growth, both in nature and in life, occurs during some of the gray times.

Perhaps I need to remember that God is creative and invites me to find His magnificent work in different places everyday.

Perhaps I will choose a new attitude on gray, windy and cold days….

Perhaps I will find some color if I open my eyes to see it!