Father’s Day 2012

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad….

My Dad is a man of not so many words but deep conviction and passionate heart.

I am so thankful for the man I call my Dad.

His laugh is contagious…

His leadership is strong…

His faith is unshakeable…

His influence has touched many people all over the world…

His vision is full of hope…

His love is deeply rooted…

His playfulness is comical…

His loyalty always believes the best…

His prayers are sincere…

He is a man of his word….

I am thankful on this Father’s Day for a father who lives from his convictions and has a passionate heart.

I am thankful on this Father’s Day for a father who was recently quoted in this way:

Borgdorff was asked to give the concluding prayer. Borgdorff started out by asking God to come into the hearts of everyone there so that they can help to bring reunion and reconciliation between people in the world and that their lives can be a model of the unity the church has in Christ.  He ended by praying: “God, give us the courage to say what needs to be said and to be able to stand up for what is right.” (full article can be read at http://www.crcna.org/news.cfm?newsid=3455&section=1#.T9qopaj7hK8.facebook)

I am thankful on this Father’s Day that this father is mine!  Well, and the father of my siblings!  🙂 

I love you Dad!