Baby it’s cold outside…

I am fortunate to have friends who live all around the world. It is not uncommon at some  point to compare weather patterns. I often hear what is most longed for or most missed for those who left West Michigan is the change of seasons.

I thought of that this morning as I ventured out to the cold. I thought of those who live in warm climates and wonder what they miss about winter? And on this cold and icy morning I remembered the beauty of winter when the sun shines on the white snow or when the snow falls in such a soft and peaceful fashion. I considered the smells of spring, the heat of summer and the crunching leaves in the fall. I thought of the days when summer felt to hot or spring felt to wet or like this morning, when winter felt to cold.

Then I choose to shift my thinking and marvel at the miracle of seasons. To remember that I live in a region where the seasons change and there is beauty with each one. Not only within each season, but the days that lead to the coming of seasons and the assurance that a new season is just around the corner.

I am learning about framing my thoughts and finding the beauty in every moment. I wonder if you are able to find beauty in moments when your feeling discouraged or weary. I believe this world will be a better place when we become people who appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, even on days when the beauty seems hard to find.

I have no plans to move out of West Michigan.  May I never lose my appreciation and delight in the amazing wonder of changing seasons.



Life’s mission…

Do you ever find something that just resonates deep in your soul….

I found my life’s mission today in words and I just wanted to share.

This sums up who I am and how I strive to live. This speaks to my mind, body and soul.

It is such a journey and when I see it in black and white, I am reminded that what I love about it is I will never be done on this side of heaven. It is a life mission that is always inviting me to have focus and purpose.

I wonder what words would resonate in your soul about your life’s mission….

What words give you focus and purpose?

I am more than willing to share this one if you want to join me. I believe it will only make the world a better place if we  commit to Love God, Get Healthy, Be Whole and Love Others.

Feeling thankful tonight as I reflect on all today held and anticipate all tomorrow will hold.                                                                                                                                                                    

Do I have what it takes?

Do you ever ask yourself that question….

I began Forest Hills Fit Body Boot Camp this past September. The question burned in my soul. It was all about if I had the capacity to do the workouts.

I have learned over time that I have what it takes when I give it my all. I have what it takes when my internal messages are speaking to my strengths and believing in what goals I have set before me. I have what it takes when I look at the new community of friends I have to cheer me on. I have what it takes to get up at 530 and work out 4 to 5 days a week.

Now I am onto the next level of that question….

Do I have what it takes for the nutrition segment so I can reach my optimum level of wellness. I have often struggled with the combination of these two. But today I proved to myself that I have what it takes.

I am all set for my week. Everything is measured and portioned and it will allow me to grab and go or eat nicely at home. My life is spontaneous in nature so I have chosen to plan for the busy and to not be derailed. I am grateful for today. A day I struggled through the question that burns in my soul during the coming weeks. Do I have what it takes?

I am grateful for this journey and for the support people who surround me. My family, my friends, my Fit Body Community are all so critical to keep myself focused. But in the end the answer to my burning question is the crux to my success. Do I have what it takes. Yes I do. I can now stop asking the question and start living the journey of combining my daily workouts with my optimum nutrition and let my wellness unfold.

I wonder where you ask this question….

I wonder what your journey will look like to finding the answer….

Go find it….it is a good place to land!


So this is how my day started….

Alarm went off at 7 am and I turned it off, thinking I was awake enough to get up in a few minutes. After all it is Saturday.

I awake again at 810 to a text and right away I am aware that my workout starts in 25 minutes.

I grabbed my phone and set my Waze direction app. It assures me I can arrived by 832, 3 minutes before the workout begins. I think for a moment, realize I don’t have time to think, and bound out of bed. Within 5 minutes I am on my way.

It was good to be there, to workout with friends, to celebrate Kristin hitting her 50 pound goal and to get a good workout. Every workout challenges me and reminds me that I have gotten stronger and I have a long way to go. It is a good place to be, balancing the truth of both realities.

But today I think it was Rosso’s last words that will stick with me. He said enjoy your day and no PLDs. I looked around…PLD? What was that.

I learned that a PLD is a Poor Life Decision. I right away thought of how I could apply that to my every day. I liked it. It was simple. Is this choice a PLD? But I like to focus on the positive. What might be the opposite?

On my drive home I came up with my new decision guide. Is it a PLD or a QLD? I want to make Quality Life Decisions. I can use this for most every situation I face. It shaped my decision to take the time to make my breakfast as opposed to just getting busy.

It can be applied to that impulsive reach for the Oreo or for the decision to head to boot camp on a morning I over sleep. Sometimes the quality decision may be different. On a migraine morning, quality life decision may be to stay in bed but on a Saturday morning staying in bed may be a PLD.

I am thankful for the community of people I am surrounded by at Forest Hills Fit Body Boot Camp. I am even more thankful for the invitation to make life style changes that will benefit me till my last breath.

How about you….PLD or QLD? The decision is yours!




At the end of the first week of the new year, I wonder how your gratitude gauge is?

I have made a commitment to myself to grow in my gratitude. I wouldn’t say that I have lived ungratefully. But I don’t believe I have been mindful of the many many spaces of gratitude. As I lived in that new space this week I found  new ways to look at familiar problems. As my annoyance grew that our roof was leaking yet again, I chose to be grateful for all the roof that was not leaking. 🙂 There really was much more dry space than that one annoying wet spot.

I wonder how you are doing in your gratitude. Are there places you can adjust your thoughts to focus on the goodness of all you have? I am aware on this Friday evening that I have a deeper sense of peace as my week has passed me by. There is something fun in finding gratitude spaces and to spend time reflecting on the goodness of what is before me.

I do not want to deny that life can be hard and struggles are real. But I do want to live balanced to the fact that for every hardship or struggle there is something to be thankful for.

Here is to a grateful 2016.



Sweet moments….

Tonight we gathered for a birthday celebration. My sister Suzi has a way of hosting that always feels like time stands still. She effortlessly serves dinner and makes the annual Aunt Dot Brandy Alexander as if it was as easy as pouring orange juice.

This allows those of us sharing the evening in their home the opportunity to just be. Tonight, shortly after I got there, Isaiah age 9 came over to share the chair with me. Isaiah is a great listener and observer of so much. He says very little but doesn’t hesitate to engage in the conversation when he has something to say. He is interested and attentive and easily fits into the conversation.

And so as we enjoyed Happy hour, dinner, and sat together some more during desert, Isaiah sat close to me. I just can’t get enough of those sweet moments. As an Aunt of kids who are now as old as 22, I am sometimes sad at how fast they grow up. Although I love something about every age they are, there is nothing like the closeness of just being together.

And so, if you have these younger ones in your world, be sure to pause and enjoy the sweet moments that come in spontaneous ways. Marvel at the tender hearts that beat in these young bodies and be sure to let them know you love them.

Thanks Isaiah Edward for making my night extra special.

Double Birthday Joy….

Today I am celebrating two important people in my life.
Aunt Dot was born 20 years before me and that helps me to remember my age. Right now I am 46 but I won’t tell you her age. She is my neighbor, my Aunt, my advisor, my sounding board and my friend. Aunt Dot is a woman of great thoughts and few words. She has impacted my world in my home, my office, my relationships and my heart. She is the incubator for my dreams and a great encourager and cheerleader.

I am so grateful that Aunt Dot and I can share the day to day on Sylvan Ave or travel the world to Mexico, South Africa, London, Hawaii, Canada, or Baldwin Michigan.

I am grateful for all the life we have shared until now and I look forward to the many years ahead I am hopeful we will share. Happy Happy Birthday Aunt Dot. Thanks for investing in and enjoying all the crazy ideas I bring and for being one of my favorite people.

And 19 years ago today, Len and Marcia welcomed their first born Olivia Grace. Olivia is a sweet girl who has always had spunk, sparkle and the ability to stand firm in a storm. She is a woman of strong faith, amazing wonder, growing vulnerability, strong leadership, and deep passion. I admire her courage to move into each day with the willingness to live it fully!

Olivia is currently packing her bags to leave from Harpenden England to
fly to Greece to sail to Turkey and to minister to Syrian refugees. She is full of adventure and still loves home, she is solid in her faith and honest with all her questions, she has journeyed to the pit of grief and is full of joy, loves to be in her play clothes and looks absolutely stunning in the fanciest of dresses.

Olivia Grace, you are a delight to spend time with and it thrills my soul that I get to be your Aunt Trish. I will always support you, encourage you, cheer you on and lift you up. I pray for God’s protection, provision, and deep blessing on you each and every day. I love you tons and tons….forever and ever!

Who is your cheerleader…

I was doing my boot camp workout today and over the loud music and the focus of my thoughts to get through the set, I heard Rosso yelling come on Trish, you got this. 10 more seconds.

I got to thinking how important that voice was in my workout. The voice encouraging me to hit my goals, to not give up, to push through and believe I was going to complete what I set out to do.

I am grateful for a community of people who encourage me every day. I am aware today of the voices who cheer me on, encourage me to keep moving ahead and kind voices who remind me of what I sometimes forget. It isn’t just about exercise or my wellness goals. It is in all areas of my life. People who know me, see me and speak into my life. I am grateful today for those faces and voices.

I wonder whose faces you see when you remember those who have cheered you on, encouraged you to keep moving or reminded you of what you sometimes forget.

I sure hope I am that voice of encouragement  for others….

I am going to bed tonight believing that it takes a village and I have a great village!

Pictures tell a story….

I am sitting in my house looking at a family picture. It is a picture of my original family taken in October of 2011. My brother died 3 months later. The picture hangs on my wall and is one that makes me smile. I am so grateful we have that shot. I love pictures. For me they capture a moment and tell a story. I have 1000’s of pictures and that does not overwhelm me, but it makes me happy. I look at my pictures from the past year and I am reminded of the places where we gathered, where we celebrated, where we rested and where we ventured into new experiences.

If you have been with me at a gathering I am often saying put your heads together. I don’t like everything posed, but I love eyes and smiles. I prefer close ups and every picture must have a person in it. I will often scroll pictures and be reminded of faces of friends and family who I care deeply for.

And so for the coming year I plan to take alot of pictures. Pictures that remind me of the sweetness of life and the moments that fill it. I have pictures of people I used to be closer with. These pictures remind me that seasons  change, but they do not have to be forgotten. I have such fun looking back at my nieces and nephews and how they have changed over the years. Pictures remind me of God’s provision and protection in so many ways.

I invite you to join me this year. Take pictures, share pictures, print pictures, hang pictures……

Pictures tell a story.

A story worth telling!

Joy bringer

I have a favorite you tube video.

It reminds me of the joy that can come from engaging others….

It reminds me when I take time to connect it makes life worth living…

It reminds me that there is sweetness in offering….

I am committed to bringing Joy this year in the small spaces.

To offer myself generously to others and believe that in those magical spaces, emotions will be released and life will be honored.

No more words needed.  Enjoy


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