Do I have what it takes?

Do you ever ask yourself that question….

I began Forest Hills Fit Body Boot Camp this past September. The question burned in my soul. It was all about if I had the capacity to do the workouts.

I have learned over time that I have what it takes when I give it my all. I have what it takes when my internal messages are speaking to my strengths and believing in what goals I have set before me. I have what it takes when I look at the new community of friends I have to cheer me on. I have what it takes to get up at 530 and work out 4 to 5 days a week.

Now I am onto the next level of that question….

Do I have what it takes for the nutrition segment so I can reach my optimum level of wellness. I have often struggled with the combination of these two. But today I proved to myself that I have what it takes.

I am all set for my week. Everything is measured and portioned and it will allow me to grab and go or eat nicely at home. My life is spontaneous in nature so I have chosen to plan for the busy and to not be derailed. I am grateful for today. A day I struggled through the question that burns in my soul during the coming weeks. Do I have what it takes?

I am grateful for this journey and for the support people who surround me. My family, my friends, my Fit Body Community are all so critical to keep myself focused. But in the end the answer to my burning question is the crux to my success. Do I have what it takes. Yes I do. I can now stop asking the question and start living the journey of combining my daily workouts with my optimum nutrition and let my wellness unfold.

I wonder where you ask this question….

I wonder what your journey will look like to finding the answer….

Go find it….it is a good place to land!

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