Time keeps passing….

17 weeks….

119 days ago….

Sometimes it feels like not that long ago….

Other times it feels like a life time ago…..

And yet time keeps passing….

First there was the call from Marcia saying he was gone…

Then the first few hours….

Then the first few days….

Then the first week before the funeral….

And time keeps passing….

There was Olivia’s 16th birthday, Noah’s hospitalization, Sonta’s new glasses and hair style and Jean Marc’s basketball season….

There is Marcia’s 40th birthday coming up….and oh, how he loved to celebrate his wife….

There have been so many things to tell him, so many moments of wanting to call or to text…..

But time keeps passing….

It is not that life is always dismal when you are grieving….

You are just aware in a very different way of presence and absence….

Time keeps passing…it does not matter if we are counting the days of our own life or the days since we have lost someone we love….

Time keeps passing, that is a fact, an odd reality….

Make the most of the time you are given….

Say what needs to be said…

Live intentionally, love generously, and communicate often!

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