His mercies are new every morning….


I drove to Detroit this morning….

Our weekend has unfolded different from we planned and hoped…

Due to sickness we did not do Christmas, but it still felt right to have some kids at my house…

I drove and watched the morning go from Dark and cool to light and sunny….

I went from the feeling of sadness and sorrow to the fun of riding with Sonta and Jean Marc, remembering Len, singing favorite songs and just enjoying being together…

My day was full….

I had a quiet, reflective ride….

I connected with a great friend while driving, remembering so much of the last weeks and putting words to the questions of tomorrow….

I read the many wonderful words from friends  received in the last weeks on Face Book….

I am so wonderfully thankful for the US Postal service who has delivered me love in cards every day for many days…

I went to exciting basketball games….

I am enjoying the company for 36 hours of two beautiful kids whose worlds were rocked by the death of their daddy…

Life is changed, it feels odd, the ache is deeply rooted, the tears still flow, the memories are fresh, my mind still thinks about how just three weeks ago and  Sundays feel forever marked….

But, as I drove this morning and as I move through each day, I often find myself remembering…..

And for that I am deeply thankful!


Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

5 thoughts on “His mercies are new every morning….”

  1. Trisha, as I have read almost all of these posts my heart has felt your pain and loss . What wonderful tributes from your family members . As I read them I was reminded over and over the value of our families and I have seen the wonderful closeness of yours . Even tho I met you in a season and may never connect again other than Facebook – I have come to know you thru your blog and now your dear brother. May these times with your family continue to bring you peace. Bless you and your family. Sherry

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  2. I know that this will be a long and often very painful journey. Yet as I read your entry this morning I flashed on the runner and the music in ‘Chariots of Fire’ crossing the finish line. I thought I would share that image, because that is so clearly where you are headed–beautifully and transparently sharing your journey, and eventually, crossing the victory line of grieving well and fully, while remaining alive to each new day. You are a brave and inspiring woman of faith.

  3. I am so thankful to have met you awhile back and do hope our paths cross again someday, if not here, then in eternity……love you Trish….Hugs for you & all your family….I know your pain in the loss of a brother…..

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