She believed she could…so she did….















I was naming this blog and this is what I wrote…

She thought she could so she did…

Then I went back and realized the actual word is BELIEVED…

She thought believed she could….so she did!

I was struck by my wrong word.

I often think too much and not believe enough…

It has been fun to think about thinking less and believing more…

It has been even more fun to believe more and see how it changes my actions…

I wonder what you would do differently in life if you thought less and believed more…

Would your belief change small things in your day-to-day…

Would your belief change your relationships…

Would your belief infuse hope in your heart…

I am finding that believing does all of those things…

Give it a try….


Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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