Decompressing in the sun, sand and water

I am often aware of the privileged life I lead. I feel very grateful as I pack tonight to get away for a few days. I frequently feel torn because I enjoy my everyday life, but in the end, the gift of bringing a change of pace and the freedom to decompress in the sun, sand, and water is good for my soul.

I have excellent co-workers who carry on the business and ensure all aspects of our daily responsibilities are met. My wonderful family ensures my house is watched and lived in. I have a fantastic neighbor family with whom I co-own our wonder pup, Wilhelmina, so she doesn’t miss a beat when she has a few extra days at one of our homes. I may be single in my relationship status, but I am surrounded by community and deeply loved and cared for.

So, I am looking forward to a few days outside of my normal routine, but I will continue to blog. I committed to blogging every day for 365 days, and I can continue, no matter where I am. I also very much look forward to being home soon because no matter how nice it is to get away, it is always nicer to come home! ❤️ trish


Uninhibitited Encouragement

I received a video of my nephew’s track meet.

I am not sure what I love more…

Seeing Jean-Marc out ahead and taking first place


Hearing his older brother Noah cheer him on!

There is something so inspiring about hearing Noah’s cheering. Noah is uninhibited in his cheering on his brother. He is undoubtedly all about encouraging Jean-Marc to do his best and be his best!

I wonder who cheers you on or, even more importantly, who you cheer on? Is there someone who would say, yes, that person is the voice I know that will cheer me on to do my best and be my best!

I hope you are that voice for someone. Be like Noah and be uninhibited in your cheering on of others. It may not be with the same volume and will have your touch, but you will bring others encouragement, joy, and inspiration!


Nothing I asked for…everything I needed

Today was a big day for our family. We celebrated my niece and nephew’s profession of faith. My nephew opened the service by reading a prayer that was meaningful to him. Their grandpa read this prayer at Thanksgiving dinner in 2022, shortly after being diagnosed with a very treatable cancer. It became his story in the month of December 2022. He passed away unexpectedly from cancer in early January 2023. Listening to the words read today, I knew I wanted to share them with you!

I wonder how these words resonate in your heart. I wonder what you have experienced in your suffering. May we all find the courage to name the spaces where can say: I got nothing that I asked for–but everything I had hoped for! ❤️ trish


A powerful invitation…

This is a powerful invitation to practice the pause.

I believe that when we learn to discipline ourselves enough to pause, we not only grow in our own discernment and self-discipline but also choose to love others in the midst of the pause. I have learned that pausing allows me to recalibrate. In those moments, my prayer is, Lord, give me wisdom, insight, kindness, empathy, and courage to act in a way that brings life to the other person I am with.

Listen for the pause in your daily comings and goings and every conversation. Become aware and curious! Do you know when you are judging, assuming, accusing, or about to react harshly?  This is the first step. You can practice the pause once you can name that within your being! It is a journey worth traveling!  ❤️ trish


Oh the places you’ll go…

It is the time of year for graduations and for the Dr. Seuss book to make its way from Barnes and Noble to Meijers. I remember when it was a new book in print, and I thought every graduate needed it.

It has been a few years, but I reread these words tonight…

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

But tonight, these words don’t read like words just for graduation. Tonight, they feel like solid, everyday living words. I am reminded how often I have believed in words that felt life-changing and inspirational, but somehow, I missed living them out.

I wonder what words have slipped through your fingertips in this way. Words that you believed were powerful but didn’t entirely penetrate your life the way you had hoped.

It isn’t too late. Graduation was only one of the important days of our lifetime. I believe that every morning, we wake up with the same possibilities and opportunities as when we felt our whole lives ahead of us. It might look and feel a bit different, but the truth remains…“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Live with intention every day! ❤️ trish


Deepest fear can be our deepest longing

I read this quote and was brought back to the small groups I used to lead. In these groups, we listened carefully to places where individuals may be sharing that their deepest fear also began to expose their deepest longing.

I am deeply troubled by the large number of suicides in our culture. It is people of all ages. I have recently learned of someone in their late 80s and as young as 14. I wonder how many of these people who believe they want to disappear would feel such relief if they were found.

This is not a simple solution, but if we all have our eyes open to the needs of others, known or unknown, around us, perhaps we will find some people and meet their deepest longing.

Please consider and be open to the people in your pathway. First, be open, and then remember to listen…❤️ trish


Grandparenting is no easy task…

I have the privilege of babysitting my oldest niece and her husband’s four children with my sister, their Beppe until their Papa returns from his travels and takes my place. The kids are 5, 4, 2, and 1 and are pure delight.

Today was busy! It was full of playing, conversing, answering questions, laughing, changing diapers, reading books, getting snacks, having dinner, giving baths, and sharing lots of hugs!

But I also know that being a grandparent is a big commitment! It takes all of the energy and love in the expansive hearts of my sister and brother-in-law. They are a great Beppe and Papa, and it is an honor to share this journey with them in a small way.

You have heard me say my Mom often says, It is a new world! This is true in the grandparenting world as well. But when I see the love given and absorbed, the new world is a glorious place to live.

If you are a grandparent, I hope you also share a special relationship with those you call your own. I can attest that the most impactful gift to give is the gift of time spent together! ❤️trish

The hole in the street…

I remember being in college and reading an Autobiography by Portia Nelson

There was something about it that felt familiar

There was something about it that felt honest

There was something about it that felt freeing

There was something about it that felt empowering…

I wonder what resonates with you when you read this?

Have you ever fallen into the hole and felt powerless?

Can you feel the tension, the struggle, the despair, the anticipation, the relief, the hope?

I read it today and can still feel it. I am guessing I am not alone!

“I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes me a long time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in. It’s a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault. I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street.”

No matter what street you’re walking down, don’t lose hope! ❤️trish

What is the message of your life?

I have had the question reverberating in my thoughts since Sunday’s sermon. Pastor Linday was preaching about how our lives speak.  Does your life echo your words? Our actions do speak louder than our words. Our lives are speaking whether we like it or not. What do our lives say? What does your life say?

I wonder if you have a close friend who might share the message they hear through your actions. What words are your actions speaking? What message is your life conveying? It is important to first give this some thought before asking someone else. What message do you hope to convey? What message are you committed to conveying?

I want to live faithfully by allowing my actions to communicate powerfully to those who are watching my life but may never exchange a word with me. I want to convey a deep faith in an all-loving God, a more profound concern for others than myself, and a confidence that I can live from an abundant heart, not in scarcity modes. I can always grow in this. I hope and pray that God will convey the message of your life to you and give you the courage to live it boldly. ❤️trish


141 days and counting…

I committed to blogging every day of this year. I find it a good practice and discipline. I don’t always feel like writing, but I am always glad I do. Some blogs are completed with ease, and others are a struggle. I appreciate the feedback I receive about what is beneficial and what you would like me to write about. I am always open to your thoughts and critique.

For some reason, Facebook is removing my blog because it says I am violating its rules. I don’t know what rule, as both of the blogs they removed were about my family. They removed She said yes x 2 and 18 years of loving this nephew. If you missed these, you can find them on Journey to My Heart

If you want to receive an email about each new posting, sign up on the right side of the blog at Journey to My Heart, just under my picture. This way, you will not miss a blog if Facebook removes it.

Thank you for being a faithful reader. As I have written about before, I write to document the Journey to My Heart. I write to tell our family stories for generations to come. I also write to encourage and invite others to live as authentically as possible. Somehow if we are on this journey together, we can make this world a better place! ❤️trish






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