The joy of the teeter totter

Older Playground Equipment Ecuador Teetertotter Seesaw Stock Photo (Edit  Now) 207445999I have been thinking today about balance. I saw a teeter-totter on my way to work, and that got me thinking about balance. I remember getting on one as a child and trying to find a way to balance it. Even if we were close, something always tipped the scales, and we would squeal in delight as one person flew upward and the other hit the ground with a thud!

Then I had a conversation with someone about finding balance in their routines. I realized that finding balance as an adult is not near as fun as playing on the teeter-totter. The conversation brought my friend to tears. “How come I can’t figure out what balance? She asked in a pleading voice.
The conversation that followed felt important. Who or what defines balance for our lives? It likely isn’t as hard as it feels if we can step back and evaluate our definition and then naming where we are off-kilter. My friend put words to wanting to be her introverted self, and she is committed to engaging her friendly extroverted spirit. As we began to list out her introverted activities and her extroverted activities, she began to realize her introverted list was significantly longer. I asked her why that might be? She replied. COVID, fear, and lack of confidence.

With that, we had named what was standing in the way of balance. Often I find we want answers about our activities, but perhaps some of what is standing in your way to balance can be named as emotions or external realities.

There is such a gift in knowing yourself and what you need to find balance in your soul. The teeter-totter is always more fun when you aren’t thudding to the bottom every time. Every once in a while, you may hit bottom. I think it is best to squeal in delight as you push yourself back into the margins of balance. When you feel off-kilter, envision your teeter-totter and lighten up your thoughts and attitudes. It just might be that easy!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “The joy of the teeter totter”

  1. Love this one Trish! I needed it today and many memories of “see/saws” as we called them in Texas! Thanks!

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