Offline is peace of mind

offlineI have been interested in identifying ways that I can live more disconnected this year. I am not looking to disconnect from people but technology. I am aware that technology is a gift in my life. Technology has allotted me much more than it has cost me. I am committed to not being an all or nothing thinker this year, but finding the healthy balance in so many areas. That being said, there are ways I can benefit from using my technology differently in 2018.

I came across these recommendations and began to consider these changes in my daily routines.

  • Use an alarm clock instead of your phone.
    • This one feels doable, but I have indeed become accustomed to Alexa, so I don’t even open my eye’s to look at a clock. I simply say, “Alexa, what time is it?” When I started to use Alexa, I did start to charge my phone in the bathroom. It is essential to be able to hear it if it rings, but it does feel good to not be sleeping with my phone.
  • Do not check your email in the first hour of the day.
    • This is one I am going to work on in February. With an early morning workout, there is no need to check my email before or even immediately following my exercise. I will commit to not checking my email before 7 am.
  • Identify specific times to check social media
    • We have come to use Social Media for communication with clients and caregivers and also as a recruiting tool. I will begin to give some thought to how to limit or change my current patterns.
  • Cook from a cookbook instead of an online recipe
    • I really like this idea but feel limited by the vast array that is accessible via the web. I believe I will work to print and work from paper first. That means I will need to get ink and paper for my printer. See how many good things develop from this idea of disconnecting.
  • Use pencil and paper again.
    • And I will say that this one almost gives me that feeling of being giddy. I so enjoy a variety of pens. Then to obtain a few cool notepads or journals and I am good to go. I will have to sort out what I will work to write down, but I know for sure I will keep using my computer for a lot of this as well.

I wonder if you find your interest peaked in practicing ways to disconnect from your technology. There is no magical way, and I encourage you to identify your 3 to 5 ways you will venture into this experiment. I am learning that most anything beneficial, will likely take some time to establish, so give it a go and be patient. I am eager to hear from you about what you are trying and what you are learning about yourself in the process.

Now I better take my scrabble turns, shut down my electronics and call it a day.


Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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