Love the Moment


I have a few favorite books I enjoy and flip through quite often. One of them is called Love Life. I do my best to Love Life and commit to this each and every day. Loving Life is not always a bundle of fun or a barrel of laughs. Sometimes it is the sweetness or the kindness, but sometimes it is the justice or the struggle. Sometimes it is the people and activity I love and other times it is the beautiful silence and alone space that is part of loving my life.

Today as I flipped through my book I came to the page that said


  1. 1.
    walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort.
    “Adam sauntered into the room”

I have learned over many years how to saunter, but it still does not come naturally. As I consider the chaos that can come with the holiday planning, I would like to invite you to join me in this commitment. Are you willing to join me in LOVE TAKING YOUR TIME and learning about the art of sauntering? I believe it includes interrupting the pace in which we live. When I transition into the love of taking my time, I often start with a deep breath. I then ensure I am not multitasking, but give my full attention to one thing at a time. As my breaths get deeper and my body relaxes, the walking in a slow relaxed manner without hurry or effort feels light and invites me to notice different things.

How I wish I could hear your stories of slowing life down and taking your time this holiday season. Believe me, it is so valuable and worth being intentional about. I hope this Christmas season you will have stories to share about how you Loved the Moment and practiced the art of Sauntering.





Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Love the Moment”

  1. Richard and I are “sauntering” around the village where the Kisses winter and glad we are missing the weather in TX and MI. Blessed to de-stress!
    Have a blessed day! The Lees

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