Celebrating in Greece

That is exactly what my 20 year old niece is doing.

anneandsibsToday is Anneliese’s 20th birthday. Anne has always been the quiet sibling in the midst of four noisier ones. Anne has often loved animals more than people, and would rather hang out in the barn than with a group of peers. Anne has always been the one who was even keeled, mild tempered and full of anneandredthoughts, ideas and passion that wasn’t often shared.

Well, let me tell you that this niece of mine is likely made the greatest transformation in her later teen years and is entering her 20’s fully alive.

Anne never lacked confidence or brilliance or a well developed stance on what she thinks or believes. She has been a delight and a delightful mystery at times, but no matter what, she has always brought joy.

And then at age 19 she wanted more. She was growing in her faith and in seeking God. So IMG_6004this past September her and her cousin (my other amazing niece) left to participate in Youth with a Mission. I am catching glimpses of how this experience is changing her and I love every minute of it. Anne is growing in her faith, in her boldness in her vulnerability and in her leadership.

Anne, you are on a beautiful and amazing journey. You are encountering so many new situations and growing with grace as you offer your heart and kindness to people in different parts of the world.  I am proud of you and will continue to pray that God will show you how big and great and mighty He is as well as how much He holds the intricate shipandhammocks.jpgdetail of your travels, your needs and cares about everything that your heart holds. I am proud of you and believe that your 20’s will be a wild and wonderful adventure. I love you Annelise and will be one of your biggest cheerleaders with every step you take. I love this picture of the ship you are living on as you enter your 20th year. This picture makes me think of you and Liv resting in the Vastness of God’s Beauty and Creation. It is so amazing and so right at home with your hammocks hanging. Enjoy it fully. Happy Birthday!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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