Happy New Year….

New Years Eve has turned and it is now New Years Day. A day that holds so much hope and potential. Yesterday was about looking back and today about looking ahead. I find myself in the spaces of new years planning, updating my calendar with my hopes for good routines and penciling in all my known meetings and appointments so I can ensure I am prioritizing my time well.

I wonder what New Years holds for you this year. Are you aware of what you are holding as you consider 2016? Are you in a space that has allowed you to wonder and dream or are you feeling fearful and unsure if you have what it will take to make it through. I invite you to consider one word as your theme word for 2016.

I have chosen a word for 2016.

The word is Mindfulness

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

I wonder what word you want to hold as your theme word this year? I wonder how you will live into the days ahead as opposed to wondering how life is passing you by?

I have not always wanted to live mindful to all my mind, body, and soul holds. I was reminded of that today in my FB post. I was reminded that some seasons of life are just plain hard and that over time, new seasons emerge. I hope that this year will be a year where you know your own  heart, feel your strength, hear your laughter, spend time with your sorrow, offer your compassion and bring life to those who surround you.

It was 3 years ago on this day that we gathered at Fort Custer National Cemetery to say our final good bye to my brother. We walked away on that day wondering what the coming days, months and years would bring. I am aware of God’s goodness and provision. If you are facing heartache as you enter this new year, hang on, breathe, surround yourself with good people and never lose hope. 



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year….”

  1. Happy New Year to you, too, my dear. I very much relived that day three years ago as well, and that’s okay. It emphasized to me how time helps to learn to live with a pain that will never go away, but does change into something we can live with. Your Dad and Mom and the rest of your family are a striking example of that. The word I will live with this year? *Trust.* And now- have a beautiful first day of the year.

    Love to you,

    Aunt Marg.

  2. Hi Trish- have enjoyed reading your blog and after a particularly difficult holiday season, this spoke to me today so thank you for sharing.
    I don’t ever see you at the dog park anymore- are you still a member?
    Happy New Year!

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