Keeping it real….

Tonight I wrote a post on a facebook page that is for my workout/weight loss group. You see Thursday was a “free” food day from noon on and we all knew the importance of getting right back on track Friday morning. My post went like this….

Get right back on plan Friday morning…..
Get right back on plan Saturday morning…..
Well, I missed my first two tries but Sunday morning is the day I am back on plan.
Just keeping it real.

I knew it was important for me to put words to and this facebook group has been a good place to check in. Quickly I noticed the “like” numbers climbing. I know it wasn’t people liking that i wasn’t on track. I know what people were supporting was this line….”Just keeping it real.”

I got to thinking more about this and how easy it is to lose the “keeping it real” during the holidays.  I want to be a person who keeps it real. Who is honest about the joys and the stresses of each day. I have moments where keeping it real means putting words to the myriad of emotions that flood my soul between now and the end of the year.

I wonder if you experience any of the following in your myriad….KEEP-Calm-Keep-it-Real

~ joy in the spirit of the season

~ excitement in the anticipation of what is coming

~ exhaustion from trying to hold the details of celebrating and loving well

~ delight in spending time with friends and family in different ways than the normal day to day.

~ sorrow from the remembering of grief that can feel fresh all over again.

~ weariness at the cumulative expense of gift giving

~ Gratitude for all I have

~ Regret for places I don’t choose to be present or allow my energy to not be life giving.

And there is so much more…….

I invite you to join me this year in keeping it real. Sharing honestly with those around you about what is real and believing that keeping it real is a way to be kind to yourself and others during these crazy and wonderful days.





Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Keeping it real….”

  1. Welcome back! If anyone is real, it’s you! I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed being with you on the weekend. We are rich! For Len it was also a very special experience. And now I wish you a good sleep and a God filled day tomorrow. Here is another big hug to you!

    Lots of love, Aunt Marg.

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