A new roller coaster ride….

Today I have the sense I am buckled into the car of a new roller coaster. There is a sense of excitement, adventure, unknown, anticipation, anxiety, fear and delight. I am confident I am buckled in and secure. I am confident the ride is well constructed. I know many others have taken the ride, and yet I feel so many feelings, knowing I have never taken this new ride. Today I became an Elder at my Church.

I wonder if I am old enough, do I know enough, am I mature enough, am I spiritual enough?  I stop my thought process and remember what is true. I have been praying for a way to be involved in my Church in an area of service for quite some time. I did not expect God to answer this way and yet God answered.

I love God, I love His Church, I love people and I love service. I am passionate about hearing stories and sharing together how our stories bring about opportunities to make a difference in this world. I have come to understand the value of speaking truth with kindness and compassion. I do not understand fully yet what will be required of me on this new journey, but I trust that God has gone before me and prepared the way. I stand ready and willing, honored and humbled and very grateful that the journey of leadership is never journeyed alone.

Let the adventure begin!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

6 thoughts on “A new roller coaster ride….”

  1. Trish I enjoyed our phone visit yesterday as well as this blog. You are wise beyond your years and evidently your church recognizes that. A young person willing to serve while acknowledging the wisdom and contributions of those who have gone before is pretty rare in our experience. We prayed for you this morning and shall continue to do so in the coming days concerning the issues you shared. May God be glorified in your life today. Eph 2:10 has been my life verse since becoming a believer. God has been preparing you to be an elder since before you were born. You will have kingdom impact in this role. Be Trish. With the Spirit it is enough! Love and prayers. B

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  2. You will learn as you go Trish! And that makes for the best kind of elder because we don’t want spiritual mentors who know everything. I have faith that you will do a fine job!

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