And it was perfect….

I bought my house in August of 2003 and it was perfect…..till it wasn’t.

I remember the first days noticing that I could see my neighbors get their milk from their fridge. There was so little privacy, so I added a fence.

And it was perfect….till it wasn’t

I remember the first winter and the heat bills and the drafts, so I started to replaced windows

And it was perfect….till it wasn’t

I remember the very hot summer and realizing that soon the furnace would surely go out as well. So I upgraded to a new furnace with air.

And it was perfect till it wasn’t

And I began to dream of counter space replacing my pedestal sink and the remodel project became significant and changed the layout of my main floor

And it was perfect till it wasn’t

And then my wood wall was so dark and I knew white would give the living room a cozy feel….

And it was perfect till it wasn’t

I love creating home space that is warm and cozy when I am home alone and functional and comfortable for family dinners, when I have a crowd over or host a work party or open house.

I long to be creative and create changes that enhance the space I call home and I strive to be content. I don’t want to continue finding more to change and I love the process of creating change. And so I live in the tension and reality of and it was perfect till it wasn’t….

I wonder where you find this theme in your life. Is it in your relationships, your home, your wardrobe?

Where do you long for change and desire to be settled….

I am not sure this will ever change in me, but I do find it helpful to name it and claim it and understand this within myself. I want to continue to strive for a deep sense of peace and contentment, recognizing that change can be good and bring growth.

I have a hunch I am not alone and somehow that is comforting.




Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

4 thoughts on “And it was perfect….”

  1. Excellent thoughts, Trish. We all live with bits of tension here and there. You describe it in relationship to your home, but we can all take from this and see other areas where tension and peace dance in the same room, the same relationship, the same family, the same home, the same wild ideas. Thanks for your words.

  2. I find it a relief that God’s gifts of nature change and require me to appreciate them in the moment. My desire for change is met in the moment, the day and seasonally. I need not apologize for wanting more or different. It’s already in the game plan.

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