Be thou my vision…

It is a song I have sung often and today a song that is running through my thoughts…

As a premature infant, my need for oxygen affected my left eye, deeming it legally blind and so I have learned to live life with one good eye. I remember wearing a patch to allow the lazy eye to catch up, but my lazy eye chose to stay lazy and my good eye always served me well. I would often say, I am good as long as my one eye remains healthy…

be thou my visionWell, this week I am choosing to trust that God has a plan for my life and that my surgery on my one good eye will restore my vision to optimum clarity. I have struggled the last few months with double and triple vision when I am focusing my eye. I have learned the difference in scanning vision and focused vision. Although I am apprehensive, I am ready to do something. I have a new compassion for those who struggle with visual clarity. Tuesday is the day and I believe the surgery will be somewhat quick, but the healing will take time.

While my right eye heals, I will have very limited vision for two weeks to two months. I am praying that my visual stability will return within two weeks allowing me to function, work, drive and write and over the two month time frame, that healing will continue to occur. But what I am very aware of, is that it will be what it will be and I will learn much in the process. I have a wonderful family, great friends, amazing co-workers and a large community that will pray for my vision to return fully.

And so, the words to Be thou my vision are the words of my heart.

Asking for prayers for patience and healing….

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

3 thoughts on “Be thou my vision…”

  1. Praying that God will ease any anxiety you may be feeling, that you will have complete healing, and for patience as you recover.

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