Have you ever looked the other way?

you may choose

I love this quote and I realize the words of this quote bring that feeling of tension to my gut and my heart.

These words are so true…

We need to be a society of people who speak hard things and invite others to change with compassion in our approach.

We need to be a society that moves into people’s great need even when it feels like what we have to offer won’t near be enough.

We need to be a society that doesn’t turn our head the other way….

And our society is made up of many individuals….you and I included!

I wonder if you can think of a time you chose to look the other way….I know I can.

I wonder if you can think of a space you want to move into and invite change with compassion…I know I can.

I wonder if you have ever turned away because it felt like you had nothing to offer to the great needs of someone before you…I know I have.

I read this quote and it has stayed with me. I want it to stay with me for many years to come!

I hope it stays with you as well!



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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