Beauty and the beast…

lighthouse frozen 2That is what I have been thinking as we go through these days of amazing weather. By no means is it amazing in every way. I got stuck twice today, In just my family we had four other stuck moments today. It is stressful driving and it is very cold. Those feel a bit like beast moments. But in the moments of stuckness, my neighbors came out and so willingly shoveled my car out. Together we were so strong and we pushed my car right out. That was a beauty moment.

As I wake up and hear the temps and hear about slide offs, I pray for our Caregivers who are out making visits. I am in awe of visits made day in and day out during these stormy days. I hear the joy in the voice of our care recipients when they know their caregiver is going to make it. There is a lot of beauty in the tenacious caregivers who brave the cold to bring warmth into the lives of sweet people.

And the fires we have had in our community. Fifth Third ball park, homes, CVS; they seem abundant. Battling the fire in the cold is complicated and difficult. The work of the police and fire crews have been remarkable in these past days.

And how can we not think of those who are homeless or without heat. There is no kindness in the bitter cold and I wonder how desperate people feel as they can not find reprieve from the cold. That feels like such a beast reality. As I live in the warmth of my home, drive in the warmth of my car, and work in the warmth of my office, I pray for those who are chilled to the bone in these very cold days. 

I am not sure what has been your moments of beauty in this weather. Maybe it is moments with family or skiing in the silence of the woods. Maybe it is an awareness of your blessings or maybe feeling at peace with the simple things you have. I am not sure where you have felt the weight of the beast? 

And perhaps this picture is a reminder of magnificent beauty that wouldn’t be possible without the reality of the beast. It really does feel like days of beauty and the beast!

lighthouse frozen

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

3 thoughts on “Beauty and the beast…”

  1. You are so right! We are beginning to see the end of this part of the beast, so we will look in other areas again for beauty.

  2. Yes, Trish…….there are families living in their cars waiting to get into one of the 12 apartments that The People Center owns. I hope they get in today.
    Poverty is a beast complicated by freezing temperatures.

  3. I felt beauty in meeting neighbors who came to my door in need of shovels. They were med students renting a house nearby. I’m sure they did not move in with snow shovels or ice picks. I was able to open my garage door without going out in the snow and they picked out what they needed. The next day of the blizzard my doorbell rang and there they were greeting me and my dog and giving me the most delicious freshly baked cookies. Making friends in a blizzard is a very good thing.

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