Learning to ask questions….

I have had the enjoyment of a road trip with some of my family these last few days….

There is nothing quite so bonding as hours on end in the car….

I really do enjoy road trips…

One of the most delightful memories I have on this trip is my 3 year old niece learning about asking questions….

johanna bosIt goes something like this…

Johanna: Mom, what should I ask Beppe?

Suzi: What would you like to know?

Johanna: Hmmmm, let me think….I know…

Johanna: Beppe, what is your favorite animal?

Beppe: Tigers…

Johanna: Me too Beppe….

And then you hear this…

Johanna: Mom, what should I ask Aunt Trish?

Suzi: What would you like to know?

Johanna: Hmmmm, let me think….I know…

Johanna: Aunt Trish, what is your favorite fruit?

Aunt Trish: Bananas….

Johanna: me too Aunt Trish….

Suzi: Really Johanna, even more than blueberries?

Johanna: Oh, that is right, I like Blueberries and Bananas….

And then you hear this….

Johanna: Mom, what should I ask Beppe Dot?

Suzi: What would you like to know?

Johanna: Hmmmm, let me think….I know…

And on and on it goes…

The questions are basic and each exchange makes me smile…

I believe what I find most delightful is the training that occurs to care about others…

I wonder how well you have mentored your mind and heart to be curious in daily conversation…

It may not be asking about a favorite animal, fruit or food….

But I would guess there is a lesson to take away from this bright eyed chatty three year old….

I would guess if you stop and think, pause and say hmmmm, there may be something that pops into your mind that you would like to know about the people you are with….

I believe it is one of the best skills children, teens, young adults and adults can have….the ability to be curious and ask questions!



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Learning to ask questions….”

  1. thank you for your post miss trish, i apologize as my phone will not recognize or allow me to edit my post’s proper capitialization, however i would like to thank you. it is far too often my childrens chatter drives me nuts, but they have so much to say. and where would i be if i could only soak up a fraction of the faith of a child. thank you for reminding me the words of a child may be so simple, but those words have so much faith and so much value .exclamation mark

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