Three weeks ago….

clockI find myself watching the clock on Sunday nights….

I remember what time I was opening gifts with Suzi and Andy and the kids…

I remember the fun of the giving and the receiving of the gifts and we were just cleaning up….

I remember what time we got the phone call…

I remember the chaos in my mind…

I remember the hugs in the hallway….

I remember what time we left for Detroit….

I remember the first words and the intensity of the emotion….

Life changed in a moment and we feel the impact of that for many years to come….

But tonight’s blog is not all about what I remember from that evening which feels burned in my memory….

you are invited

It is an invitation to live at peace with those you love…

It is an invitation to live at peace with yourself….

It is an  invitation to say the “I am sorry”, “I love you”, “Thank You”, or “you are important to me” every time it needs to be said….

It is an invitation to live life fully, loving God, others and yourself with purpose and intention……

We are painfully aware of how quickly life ended for someone so dear to us. We are embracing this invitation in a new way!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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