Safety net sisters….

Happy Birthday to my younger sister Suzi…

Suzi is someone I talk to every day and I am known to call her more than once a day…

Suzi is someone I can laugh with, cry with or laugh until I cry…..

Suzi is someone I enjoy hanging with or watching their three kids so she can hang with Andy…

Suzi is full of beauty, grace, love and compassion….

Suzi is committed to  loving on and nurturing her family and home…

Suzi is a leader at Church and school and committed to being a change agent for good….

Suzi is not perfect but she is wonderful. I love that we live close and share much….

I found a quote that says much of how we live….through thick and through thin….in good times and bad….

“Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.”

Thanks Suzi for bring my safety net and for trusting me to be yours….

I hope this year will be wacky and wonderful, filled with laughter, love and lasting memories!

I love you,


Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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