How would we worship different if….

This morning I worshipped in China. We attended Beijing International Christian Fellowship. The congregation totals about 3000 in attendance over three services and 70+ nations are represented. It was amazing and it was wonderful…

But there is something unsettling…

We (and every other worshiper) had to show our passports at the door since locals are not permitted to enter any Church. It was an odd feeling as I worshiped to wonder about those who do not enter.

I wonder how our Churches might function differently if there were restrictions and likely ramifications if we dared to worship.

I wonder if we would focus less on what isn’t right and more on the privilege of gathering as a body of believers.

I wonder if we would become passionate about celebrating our differences because the congregation was truly made up of men and women from many lands….

I wonder if we would delight our local Churches more if we gave thought about what it would be if we lived in China?

What if we either had to join with other believers and participate in a home church with great risks involved or show your passport at the door and be a select group that had freedoms the locals wouldn’t have.

Worship was meaningful today….I believe I am taking home an appreciation and passion for the freedom I rarely stop to appreciate!

I hope your worship was meaningful today as well….and if you are feeling negative about your local Church, consider life in China…and be thankful!

Feeling deeply grateful and richly blessed!



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “How would we worship different if….”

  1. I’m so glad you had a chance to experience expat church here. Locals can go freely to a Three Self Help Church which are gov’t approved churches. Many are good but the sermons are pre-approved and they cannot preach on end times and other topics (not sure which ones). They also have approved Catholic parishes and other religions like Mormon gatherings and mosques.

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