A New Chapter Begins Again….

I write often about my journey to wellness or the pursuit of my PHD (Personal Health and Development). I believe that a new chapter is beginning again. At this time next week, I will be living out an experience that will remind me again what I am made of.

Saturday I am leaving for Schulenburg, TX to attend U1st Fitness for one week. (http://u1stfitness.com/index.html)

This is a week of refocusing my time and energy into my own journey of wellness. It will be a week of learning again what I am capable of and identifying ways I sabotage in my mind and body. It is run by O’Neal Hampton and Cherita Andrews who were both on Biggest Loser season 9. I am encouraged to have lost 50 pounds and kept it off but am discouraged in that I seem to have lost my momentum. Some of that comes from my being more lackadaisical and some from my metabolism needing to be reset again. The week will be filled with many hours of exercise every day, seminars, development of customized plans upon returning home and cooking education.

I would appreciate your prayers as I journey to the depths of my being and focus yet again on being the healthiest person I can be…in body, mind and spirit!

I invite you to journey with me as I share my experiences with you in writing next week. Consider how you might work a little harder in your workouts, eat a little healthier or identify some specific ways you sabotage your wellness journey.

I am ready for a new chapter to begin…

I am eager, anxious, confident, uncertain, ready, hesitant, committed, wavering….

I am choosing to move confidently in the direction of my dreams and live the life I imagine!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

4 thoughts on “A New Chapter Begins Again….”

  1. Praying with you and for you. Love seeing you step out to do something like this for yourself. Here’s to the next chapter of this journey! You’re an inspiring friend Trish!

  2. Anna Gretz – Hi! I'm Anna and I have LPR. If you know what that is, you probably have it, and you, like me, have been scrolling through the internets looking for advice, commiseration, and maybe a good recipe. Well, I don't have any advice, but I do have some amateurish recipes, a solid dose of humor, and a bottomless pit of commiseration. I also have a soft spot in my heart for sci-fi... and I could really use some chocolate right now.
    Anna says:

    That’s so awesome that you lost 50 pounds, Trish. That’s not easy. I wish you the best on this next endeavor. I really like how you’re focused on mental and emotional wellness. That’s so key! May God be with you!

  3. Trish, I love reading YOU! Thank you for sharing where you’re at and challenging us as the reader (darn it!) to consider working harder, eating healthier…what an impact you have on Paul and I. We fully support you!!

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