Lord lead the way….

“She started her day with a simple prayer, ‘Lord, lead the way.’ Then she stepped out

the door with a heart full of courage.”

I love this quote….

This isn’t just a saying for women. It can also say He started his day with a simple prayer…

It is the simple prayer that I find so wonderful….Lord, lead the way….if that is a sincere prayer of my heart, how different my life could be….

And I love the invitation to step out the door with a heart full of courage…it reminds me how I am invited to not only pray, but also be ready to act. I can fill many moments in a day with prayers to my God, but God also invites me to live in faith and ready to move….moving with a heart full of courage! Sounds like a true adventure….

I wonder how life would be different if I really allowed God to lead my way….

I wonder how life would be different if I really lived with a heart full of courage…

What a beautiful way to live….so happy every morning allows me the opportunity to start my day a new!




Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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