Step by Step….

A few years back we began singing for our Sunday dinner devotions. Every week we sing Step by Step and every week, as we sing this song, the words become our prayer for the week..

I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And Step by step You’ll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days

Today, the words to this song came to mind, and took on some new meaning…

I spent the day in the Emergency Room with my Dad, Mom and Aunt Dot as we awaited the word on my Mom’s broken ankle. We waited and conversed, played some scrabble and waited some more. In the end, surgery is pending and winter will be filled with non-weight bearing days for her. And even amidst the harsh reality of the news she heard throughout the day, she maintained perspective and a thankful spirit that bones heal and what she is facing is minor compared to what many face….

My Mom has been (and will be again) a great work out partner for me. She meets me every morning and we work out often again in the evening. She is 69 and wonderfully active. But as of today, the pause button will be engaged for the coming weeks. It will be a difficult season for a very active woman. It will create voids in my day-to-day where I will miss her active presence. And yet, I am reminded that the words we sing every week are not about our physical steps. And so I trust the words we sing (and will continue to sing) in my life and in the life of my Mom: I will seek You in the morning, And I will learn to walk in Your ways, And Step by step You’ll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days!

And so I am asking you to join us in prayer. Please pray boldly with us that the bones will align and not require surgery for healing. Pray that in the days ahead, she will be comfortable in her body and her spirit as her days are so drastically altered. And pray that if surgery is required and if it really is March 10 or so before she can bear weight again, that she will be able to also attest to the words of another favorite song: That is it indeed well with my (her) soul…

Step boldly my friends, in loving and trusting ways….

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Step by Step….”

  1. Dear Trish,
    So sorry for your mom! Brought me right back to my mom’s ankle break. It is no fun, but when the patient can rest in God’s care, it helps everyone involved – and brings glory to God!

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