Tribute to my Texas friends…

I have met wonderful people through my involvement with Open Hearts Ministries. Today I want to take time to tell you a bit about Richard and Betty Lee.

I have always enjoyed Richard’s quiet presence and have learned that Richard is a man who retains much wisdom, loves deeply and embraces many with his heart and his arms.

Betty Lee is a woman I have laughed with and cried with. We can share conversation about anything or nothing and I enjoy her deep passion for God, people and prayer.

Both Richard and Betty have impacted my life with their embrace, kindness, curiosity, challenge and most recently their hospitality!

Richard and Betty welcomed us to Texas with open arms. From balloons on the mailbox, pink cowboy hats and t-shirts to the cozy space of The Winston House, it did not take us long to feel welcomed and embraced. 

During our five days in Texas I experienced the richness of Texas hospitality and felt very loved and cared for. Richard is a kind man who would take time to open my car door and ensure he assisted with opening the back seat for the kids to climb into the third seat. He was quick to pay for anything we were doing, a wonderful conversationalist and assisted Anne and Ellie with the horses and anything else they wished to do on the ranch. 

Betty greeted us with cheerful good mornings, hot coffee, and great breakfasts. She drove us all around Texas (well, maybe not all of Texas) and is a wealth of information about what was, what is and what is coming in the surrounding areas! Betty embraced my nieces and is a wonderful friend to myself and my Mom. I love Betty’s ability to be on the go and engaged in so much and her willingness to sit and reflect and share about the struggles and victories of the journey to one’s heart! 

I shared new space this past week by mixing my Open Heart friends with my family and I am thrilled at how much we all enjoyed each other. It is great to have created memories and experienced a true flavor of Texas….

Thank you Richard and Betty for inviting us into your home and your hearts and for sharing so much with us!



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

One thought on “Tribute to my Texas friends…”

  1. Betty Lee was my first leader at SALTS in May of ’99. It was great meeting up with her here once again. I can hear her laughter all the way to my heart! (Hi, Betty Lee ;o)

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