Preparing to teach…

This Thursday night I am teaching our Grace Group lesson. The topic is “relating to others on my journey.” I really like this lesson because it was a life changing lesson for me when I was a participant in Grace Groups. I had never stopped long enough to consider that how I related to others can be a mirror to my own soul. I remember recognizing  how my over investment in other people (sometimes what I called “ministry) was actually a means I used to stay away from own story. As  i journeyed to my heart, I came to places where I did not want to stop and feel what God was inviting me to. It was easier to “love” others than it was to love myself.

As I have journeyed to my heart, and have learned, at times, to stay faithful to the path I am on, and not be distracted by a desire I have to be involved with other people, I can confidently say that I am a healthier person than I used to be. It has been very helpful and transformational to lose my unhealthy sense that I have something to offer most everyone in need. The question I have had to answer is, am I choosing to be involved to make me feel better or to offer something (no strings attached) for the wellbeing of another?

I wonder what you would learn if you stopped to consider that how you relate to others reflects the condition of your soul?

Be challenged, be encouraged and never lose hope. We were created for community and it is in community God reveals wonderful life lessons to us!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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