Turning 15…

Happy Happy Day to my niece Anneliese Joyce.  When I think of you Anne, I smile. I love how you are so witty and easy-going. As you continue to grow and mature, you are passionate about what is important to you. We all know your first love is animals and you have proven to be responsible and quite gifted in the realm of horses and their care. But I also think of you as a favorite and best bud to Olivia Grace….

we all know that where ever Olivia is, Anne is and wherever Anne is, Olivia is…you are both delightful  and so much fun!

Not far behind in cousin time is your good ol cousin Andrew. You are as comfortable with yourself   hanging out with the guys or the girls and I love how you know and believe in yourself as you enter into     your 15th year. You are a good friend and cousin. You are equally as kind to your peers as the younger children who also hang out around you. And I must say that Dutch loves sharing her birthday with you, or is it that you share your birthday with her?

You are also a daughter, sister and friend. Anneliese, I love you and am grateful to know you so well. I look forward to celebrating you for many days and years to come. You are a good friend, sister, cousin, granddaughter, niece and so much more. Your smile lights up a room and your presence rarely goes unnoticed, even when your words are few! Continue to be the young woman you are and always remember that you have a gift to offer each person you interact with….a gift that can be offered with your words or your heart. I love you my dear and wonderful niece.



Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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