What is your word…

My friend Linda posed the question on her FB this past week. What is your word to carry you through 2011. I responded without much thinking ~ Movement.

I am not thinking about only physical movement, although, my plans for 2011 very much include that, but movement in many areas of my life. As I reflect back, I think the times my soul was most numb was when my life was stagnant. I don’t ever want to return to a numb or dead feeling and I believe that there are a number of ways I can choose every day to support my desire to experience movement in my life.

I believe that movement comes from activity, attitude, opportunity and rest. In the area of activity I have great community and accountability. I have a workout plan and a goal in mind. I have friends on the same journey who understand the mountain tops, valleys and long never-ending dirt roads that lead you places. I want to choose activity that leads me to good places in 2011.

I believe that movement comes as a result of my attitudes. I want to have attitudes that lead me into new places. I am keenly aware that I have the power to shut down many good things, in a single thought. I want my attitudes in 2011 to be attitudes that challenge me (and others) to grow and move. I hope that above all else, I will live with an attitude of Grace, inviting myself and others to remember that Grace is often an attitude that frees us up to live well.

I believe that movement comes as a result of my opportunities. I am learning to open my eyes to the opportunities that surround me EVERY day. Sometimes the opportunities are different than I planned and therefore challenge my attitudes. 🙂 I see opportunities to engage in conversations with others, share honestly about a recent joy or hardship in my own life, to read a new book that challenges me in ways, and to live in the moment, fully aware of what is unfolding within me and around me. Opportunity is a great proponent of movement as long as I remain flexible and embrace an attitude of adventure.

And last, I believe that movement comes as a result of rest. I have learned on this journey to my heart, that if I am not selecting times to rest, I will not see all that lies within me and around me. It is when resting that I am keenly aware of my family and friends, my struggles and successes, my longings and my blessings and the attitudes that fill my heart and mind. Resting is not done while on Facebook, as much of us like to believe, but it is done in the quiet space of your heart, and it is a kind decision to build in rest time, no matter how old you are.

And so, I believe in December of 2011, I will have stories of movement to share. I wonder what your word is for 2011. I wonder in what ways you will carry out the vision you have to live in a certain fashion. I want it for me…and I want that for you!


Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

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