Making Memories…

I had a great time out to breakfast this morning with my nephews Andrew, Ryan and Noah and my niece Olivia. I have so enjoyed my nieces and nephews at all ages, but am so pleased how pleasant they are as preteen and  teenagers. We had good times over the last few days which included late nights and new years eve middle of the night pizza delivery, good conversations and quiet moments. The time was short, but the moments were good.

Olivia (age 14) and Noah (age 12)  were telling me a story ~ they often share in their story telling ~  finishing each other’s sentences and filling in the detail of the scene they are recreating. They were telling me about a time they were in a small grocery while on a family vacation, and Noah knocked over a display of watermelons. Olivia and Noah were in a bit of a panic, trying to clean up the mess and an older lady walked by and said, “are you kids making memories?”

What a great response to a moment that might have drawn many other thoughts if you or I were walking by it. I loved hearing the story and was struck by their perspective on what a kind response this was from this older woman. This story really has me thinking on this New Years Day of 2011.

I would like to be a person who lives with the motto that life is about making memories. I would also like to nurture and encourage this in others. I don’t want to be someone who just does this on special holidays or scheduled events. I hope that 2011 will be a year where I can make memories in many situations. I hope that I will value memories made with many different people as well as moments that will hold special memories just within my own heart.

I look forward to 2011 and all it might hold. I imagine I will journey to the mountain top and deep into the valley. Living life fully and honestly will bring me to both extremes. Much of the days will be somewhere in-between. It is my hope that in it all, I will remember God’s goodness to me and trust that He has a plan for my life and all it holds, even if I don’t see or understand it right away. And so, I do believe one of the best things I can offer to myself and others, is to create, make and enjoy the memories!

Life is not about learning to survive the storms, but rather learning to dance in the rain!

Author: trishborgdorff

I am on a life long journey to live with integrity, honesty, kindness and full of grace.

5 thoughts on “Making Memories…”

  1. Still stuck trying to survive the storms…love the ideas and stories you share…love hearing about your family too! And what an awesome older lady in the grocery store 🙂

    1. Sheri, it is my hope that in 2011 your life will allot you some dancing time, even if it is in the rain. I enjoy your thoughts and perspectives. Thanks for sharing with me.

  2. Trish, I love your perspective. And what a wonderful response by the “watermelon observer” that could have had such a different impact on their lives. I would love to nurture this attititude in my own life. THX for sharing that story..I will try to remember that line!

  3. Trish, Love the memory idea and the wise response from the lady in the grocery store! You last sentence about learning to dance in the rain… I have that on a pillow on my bed. A family from my school gave that to me when my very close friend and co worker died of a sudden heart attack. I treasure the saying, and how true it is.


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